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Students who take a

financial literacy class

in high school are more likely to save for college, have a bank account, and invest in the stock market.

—Council for Economic Education


20 out of 50

states in the US require a financial literacy class to graduate high school! And CA is not one of them! Money & Milk$hakes™ aims to fill that gap!


of teens reported wanting more personal finance education.


of teens feel they lack confidence in their knowledge of personal finance


Financial literacy education in schools equips students with essential life skills, and fosters financial responsibility from a young age. This knowledge empowers them to make informed decisions about saving, investing, and managing their money wisely.


How to be a
Tax-Free Millionaire


Money & Milk$hakes™ proudly presents its flagship class, “How to be a Tax-Free Millionaire”, designed to empower students with essential financial knowledge. Focused on leveraging the tax advantages of a Roth IRA account, this unique course is specially tailored for high school and college students – a crucial time when many young adults embark on their first jobs.

The secret to building wealth lies in the power of compound interest, famously referred to as the eighth wonder of the world by none other than Albert Einstein. By opening a Roth IRA early in their careers, students unlock the potential for decades of exponential growth, as contributions benefit from the magic of compounding over time. As an added bonus, all growth is tax-deferred, and withdrawals during retirement are entirely tax-free. In this class, we demystify the Roth IRA, guiding students through the process of opening one and showcasing the myriad of advantages it offers.

By instilling the value of long-term planning and introducing the concept of financial independence from an early age, we pave the way for our students to secure a prosperous future. Our ambitious mission is to empower every high school senior with this essential knowledge before they graduate, equipping them with the tools they need to achieve financial security and live their lives free from financial anxiety.

Topics Covered in the Series
  • Power of Compound Interest & Time
  • Delayed Gratification vs. Instant Gratification
  • Wants vs. Needs
  • Assets vs Liabilities
  • Net Worth
  • And More

How to be a 
Tax-Free Millionaire

By opening a Roth IRA early in their careers, students unlock the potential for decades of exponential growth, as contributions benefit from the magic of compounding over time. As an added bonus, all growth is tax-deferred, and withdrawals during retirement are entirely tax-free. In this class, we demystify the Roth IRA, guiding students through the process of opening one and showcasing the myriad of advantages it offers.

Introduction to the Stock Market

Building upon the foundation from Class 1, our second class, “Introduction to the Stock Market,” dives into the fundamentals of the stock market. Students will learn the necessary vocabulary like diversification and the power of compounding. They will explore the broader economic factors that influence the stock market, including inflation, interest rates, and global trends. Learning about the fundamentals of the stock market is essential to financial freedom.

Introduction to Index Funds

Finally, our third class in this trio, “Introduction to Index Funds,” introduces a low-risk investment strategy of investing. This course delves into the world of index funds, which are a type of fund that mirrors a specific market index’s performance. Students will explore the rationale behind index fund investing, understanding its simplicity, low cost, and broad diversification benefits.

Pillars of Financial Literacy


Budgeting and Money 

  • Creating a budget to track income and expenses.
  • Learning to prioritize spending and distinguishing between needs and wants.
  • Developing good saving habits and setting financial goals.


Banking and Basic 
Financial Services

  • Opening and managing a bank account.
  • Understanding banking fees and charges.
  • Learning how to write checks, use online banking, and manage debit/credit cards.


Understanding Credit

  • Learning about credit scores and reports.
  • Establishing and building good credit.
  • Using credit responsibly and avoiding common credit pitfalls.


Debt Management

  • Understanding different types of debt (credit cards, home loans, student loans).
  • Learning about interest rates, terms, and repayment options.
  • Avoiding excessive debt and managing existing debt responsibly.


Saving and Investing

  • Building an emergency fund for unexpected expenses.
  • Understanding various investment options (stocks, bonds, index funds).
  • Learning about the power of compound interest and long-term investing.


Insurance and Risk 

  • Understanding different types of insurance (health, auto, renters).
  • Evaluating insurance needs and selecting appropriate coverage.
  • Managing risk and protecting against financial setbacks.


Financial Planning 
for the Future

  • Learning about retirement planning and saving for the future.
  • Understanding the importance of estate planning and creating a will.
  • Considering other long-term financial considerations (such as education planning for children).


Financial Goal Setting

  • Setting short-term and long-term financial goals.
  • Developing a plan to achieve those goals (e.g., saving for a down payment on a house, starting a business).
  • Monitoring progress and adjusting strategies as needed.

Financial Literacy is 
an ongoing process.


“Overall, I thought Zabrina’s presentation was very good. She was able to explain the basics of how to save and invest in a very fun way and was very engaging. My favorite part of her presentation was when she was talking about how when she considers buying a product, she thinks about how she can buy a piece of the company too, which is a really cool way to think about it and encourage young people to start investing.”

Abbie O.High School Student, NCL Class of 2025

“Zabrina explained Roth IRA's very well and I really enjoyed it. This part of business always intimidated me because I never found a source that could explain it well. Zabrina's neat slides and way of communicating really made the class really interesting. If she did it again I would get more people to go."

Arman H.Larchmont Charter student

"Very informative. She made me feel like no matter where I start, I can make money. I was very inspired."

James W.Larchmont Charter student

"I loved the energy that she brought for the class! She also really drilled the importance of setting up a Roth IRA account when you get your first job. I liked how she had the slide presentation set up and how she didn’t just read from it alone."

Henry R.Larchmont Charter Student

“I really enjoyed the Money & Milkshakes presentation by Zabrina. It’s very reassuring that we can have adults to look up to and help us start our life financially on a positive note. I took away many concepts during her presentation, one being, to invest in stocks early and have a diverse stock portfolio.”

Allie S.High School Student, NCL Class of 2025

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