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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is financial literacy so important?

A strong financial literacy foundation from an early age helps young people establish healthy money habits to support financial life goals. From budgeting and managing debt to planning for retirement, saving for a home or launching a business, financial literacy empowers a wide range of life goals.

Who is the Money & Milk$hakes program designed for?

Financial literacy classes are designed for schools, nonprofits, community organizations and parent groups – anywhere young people learn skills for their future.

What ages do you teach?

The Signature Class and trio program is geared towards high school seniors and college students as this is the time that most young people have their first real job, their own earned money.

What level of basic financial understanding should a student have to have before joining a class?

None! Anybody, at any level can benefit. Classes are designed for people new to the topic of money. All classes include education on basic financial terminology, as well as understandable, every day, relatable examples. The only prerequisite is an interest in one’s own financial future.

Can I customize an educational program (pick my own topics)?

Yes! Classes can be tailored around topics of interest to a particular group. For example, Zabrina has customized programs on topics such as the power of choices and behaviors that work against building long-term wealth, the basics of business ownership, money mindsets, and budgeting for a project for examples.

Are the classes in a physical location or online?

Both! Classes can be offered both live in-person (Los Angeles area) as well as online for added flexibility and convenience.

Is there a minimum number of students for a class?

Generally, a non-issue for schools, for parent groups or other non-school organizations looking to put together a class, we find that having a group of a minimum of ten (10) students, helps to add value to class discussions.

How much does a program cost?

Given that Money & Milk$hake’s mission is to get education about money out to as many people as possible, we encourage all interested parties to get in contact to discuss your group’s individuals program requirements.

Why should young people be thinking about retirement?

All people should be thinking about retirement. Young people especially have unique opportunities: to establish healthy financial habits early, and to take advantage of the magic of compounding and the long runway of time for their money to grow and grow and grow.

What are people saying about Money & Milk$hakes?

Educators and parent mentors have shared their feedback on Zabrina and the Money & Milk$hakes program. Even more importantly, so too have the young people who have participated in the program.

Do you also teach adults?

Yes! We have found that many adults also find this information invaluable. Mixed classes of young people and parents/educators are a great way to stimulate and reinforce important financial literacy behaviors at home and in the classroom beyond the financial literacy program itself.

For adults, Zabrina teaches a “That’s Money!” series on such valuable topics as saving for retirement, an introduction to the stock market, estate planning and real estate investing basics, among others.