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Pillars of Financial Literacy


Budgeting and Money 

  • Creating a budget to track income and expenses.
  • Learning to prioritize spending and distinguishing between needs and wants.
  • Developing good saving habits and setting financial goals.


Banking and Basic 
Financial Services

  • Opening and managing a bank account.
  • Understanding banking fees and charges.
  • Learning how to write checks, use online banking, and manage debit/credit cards.


Understanding Credit

  • Learning about credit scores and reports.
  • Establishing and building good credit.
  • Using credit responsibly and avoiding common credit pitfalls.


Debt Management

  • Understanding different types of debt (credit cards, home loans, student loans).
  • Learning about interest rates, terms, and repayment options.
  • Avoiding excessive debt and managing existing debt responsibly.


Saving and Investing

  • Building an emergency fund for unexpected expenses.
  • Understanding various investment options (stocks, bonds, index funds).
  • Learning about the power of compound interest and long-term investing.


Insurance and Risk 

  • Understanding different types of insurance (health, auto, renters).
  • Evaluating insurance needs and selecting appropriate coverage.
  • Managing risk and protecting against financial setbacks.


Financial Planning 
for the Future

  • Learning about retirement planning and saving for the future.
  • Understanding the importance of estate planning and creating a will.
  • Considering other long-term financial considerations (such as education planning for children).


Financial Goal Setting

  • Setting short-term and long-term financial goals.
  • Developing a plan to achieve those goals (e.g., saving for a down payment on a house, starting a business).
  • Monitoring progress and adjusting strategies as needed.

Financial Literacy is 
an ongoing process.


“I had a positive experience with Zabrina and the Money&Milk$hakes program at our school! She is very knowledgeable and has great insights on finance and how to connect with the kids! Her passion for the subject made it even more enjoyable. She left a lasting impression.”

Edwin LopezAssistant Principal, Valley Oaks CES High School

It was a pleasure having Zabrina at our College to teach the students how to invest in their future. She brings a wealth of knowledge in everything related to investing, financial stability and more. We look forward to having her again in the near future."

Andrea Rodriguez-Blanco, MBACareer Center Director, West Los Angeles College

"Zabrina Schultz is an outstanding teacher/presenter. In addition to being extremely knowledgeable about the world of finance, she has the uncanny ability to successfully adapt to her audience. She is energetic and engaging. Her content is presented in a way that makes it simple to immediately apply. She is truly entertaining and effective."

Carter PaysingerCo-Founder, National High School Career Day Network

"We've continued to get really good feedback about the session – the students really appreciated the straightforward and actionable information! The Money & Milkshakes session not only introduced tools for financial stability but a long term plan for personal wealth!"

Lisa RubenExecutive Director, Partnership Scholars Program

“Zabrina does a wonderful job of explaining financial topics in a simple and engaging way. She is teaching concepts that every teenager should be learning but are not taught in school. She connected with the girls, really involving them in the presentation. I think they all learned important lessons that will help them tremendously as they start to earn and save their own money.”

Kristen PattersonNational Charity League Grade Level Advisor Class of 2025